Do you want to access Safar Flyer benefits more quickly?
Like Ali, benefit from the “Safar Family” program by grouping your miles on a common account!

One single Miles account for the whole family!

To benefit from the advantages of the Safar Family program, each member of your family must first be registered in the Safar Flyer program.


Tüm aileyi memnun etmek için artık büyükanne ve büyükbabalar, ebeveynler ve çocuklar aynı Safar Aile hesabından yararlanabilir!

Each time a family member indicates their individual Safar Flyer card number when purchasing a ticket, the award miles are automatically transferred to the family account. This applies even if the family members do not travel together.


If a Safar Flyer member travels with a <strong>one</strong>world airline, can he or she benefit from the advantages of his or her card on this flight before he or she has received his or her physical card?

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If a Safar Flyer member travels with a oneworld airline, can he or she benefit from the advantages of his or her card on this flight before he or she has received his or her physical card?

The Safar Flyer member will receive a digital card that will allow him/her to benefit from all oneworld advantages when traveling with one of the alliance's airlines. The member should remember to update his email address on his online account.

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