Reist uw kind alleen? Op de luchthaven, aan boord of met een aansluitende vlucht, het personeel van Royal Air Maroc zal uw alleenreizende kind bijstaan en zijn veiligheid en comfort verzekeren. We zijn ons bewust van het belang en de verantwoordelijkheid van deze taak en u kunt er zeker van zijn dat we alle nodige maatregelen nemen om ervoor te zorgen dat uw kind comfortabel reist.

Leeftijd Kunt u gebruik maken van onze UM-service?
Jonger dan 4 jaar UM-service niet beschikbaar. Uw kind moet reizen met een begeleider ouder dan 18 jaar*.
Minderjarigen 4 tot 12 jaar oud: UM-service is verplicht voor kinderen tussen 4 en 12 jaar. Uw kind wordt vanaf het inchecken tot het instappen begeleid door een van onze agenten en vervolgens overgedragen aan onze stewardessen
Minderjarigen tussen 12 en 16 jaar: Deze service is optioneel voor kinderen tussen 12 en 16 jaar oud. U kunt uw aanvraag indienen in uw Royal Air Maroc-agentschap of onze callcenters.(*) De begeleider mag jonger zijn dan 18 jaar in het geval van de vader, moeder of wettelijke voogd,

Alleenreizende kinderen

Het aantal begunstigden van de service is beperkt, afhankelijk van het type vliegtuig dat wordt gebruikt, met een maximum van 4 alleenreizende kinderen tussen 4 en 8 jaar per vlucht, die op het moment van boeking moeten worden geïnformeerd. Alleenreizende minderjarigen kunnen gebruik maken van de UM-service (Unaccompanied Minor). Dit verzekert dat de kinderen constant onder het toezicht staan van het personeel van het bedrijf, vanaf het inchecken tot het moment dat het kind op de bestemming wordt ontvangen. Op het moment van registratie wordt aan het kind een identificatielabel overhandigd en vult de begeleider een "UM routeformulier" in. Dit moet bij aankomst worden ondertekend door de persoon die specifiek is aangeduid om het kind op te halen. Deze persoon dient een geldig persoonlijk identiteitsbewijs, het "UM-routeformulier" en de ondertekende ontheffing van verantwoordelijkheid voorleggen. Deze service is verplicht op internationale vluchten voor alleenreizende kinderen tussen 4 en 12 jaar en is optioneel voor kinderen tussen 12 en 16 jaar. De prijs van het UM-ticket is het volwassenentarief plus een toeslag van 50 euro of 100 euro per reis, afhankelijk van de bestemming. Deze dienst is momenteel gratis op het binnenlandse netwerk. De acceptatie van alleenreizende kinderen op RAM-vluchten is afhankelijk van het invoeren van de contactgegevens van de personen die het kind begeleiden naar de luchthaven van vertrek en het ophalen bij aankomst. Deze gegevens moeten worden opgenomen in het reserveringsbestand van het alleenreizende kind.

General conditions

General information

  • Get all information on our special assistance service reserved for unaccompanied children (UM) to ensure their safety and comfort throughout the trip.
  • In requesting our assistance service for your child (UM Unaccompanied Minor), he can thus travel safely, without being attended to by an adult (parents or family members).
  • They will thus benefit from the UM service that ensures your child receives constant attention and support from the company staff, from check-in until he is received on arrival by the person you would have designated.

Booking the service

  • Apply for this service at least 48 hours before the departure date. Fee:
  • Enjoy our UM service, which is free on all our domestic flights all year round!
  • The UM service is however not free on international flights for unaccompanied children aged 4 to 12. Available all year round, you apply for it when booking
  • The UM service has a specific fee to be paid as you book the flight: contact our call centres or visit your nearest agency.


  • The number of beneficiaries for this exception is limited depending on the type of device. For this, do not hesitate to request this service well in advance.


  • When booking, remember to request for a Kid's meal 48 hours before departure.


  • Book the flight well in advance to have a wide choice of seats.
  • Children travelling as UM will not be put on the emergency exit-row seats

Preparing for the trip

  • Before the trip, we recommend that you talk to your child and explain to him clearly how the flight will look like: care by the Royal Air Maroc ground staff, assistance by the hostesses on board the aircraft. In this way, your child will be reassured and can travel completely relaxed.
  • Educate your child that the UM pouch that will be placed around his neck, must not be removed throughout the trip.
  • Acceptance rules of cabin baggage also apply to your child's cabin baggage. (access the link)
  • Avoid putting any valuable thing inside and remember to put his favourite blanket or toy.

Check-in at the airport

  • We first check-in any child travelling as an UM (Unaccompanied Minor). To do this, you just need to go to one of our counters (Business class) in the different airports we serve. In order to check in your child on the flight, the person accompanying the child will be asked to submit the following to the check-in agent:
  • The UM route sheet (fact sheet) and the disclaimer duly filled and signed. (download here). Submit three copies of each of these documents for each stage of the flight until the final destination.
  • The UM route sheet contains
  • The personal information of your child as well as his flight number
  • The names and addresses of the people who will meet your child at the destination
  • The signed authorization from the parent or guardian of the child.
  • A valid personal identification document of the person accompanying the child. Only original documents are accepted (no photocopies):
  • Your child should be in possession of current travel documents of the country of destination (passport and possibly a visa and a vaccination certificate). Always contact the local authorities of your child’s country of destination or departure to inform you about the regulations, documentation and visas they will need to travel.
  • NB: Check-in at the self-service kiosks is not allowed.
  • To ensure the safety of your child, the information sheet must be signed on arrival by the person expressly designated to pick up the child.


  • Cabin Baggage: Acceptance rules of cabin baggage also apply to your child's cabin baggage. (access the link) Avoid putting any valuable thing inside. To ensure a comfortable flight for your child, remember to pack warm clothing, medication, his favourite blanket / toys /games and some basic needs (wet wipes etc.) Also put some candy or chewing gum to suck or chew during takeoff and landing. Since children's ears are very sensitive to pressure changes, this will avoid any discomfort. Your child's checked baggage will be delivered first on arrival.
  • An identification pouch is placed around the neck of the child. Your child will have to wear it throughout the trip.

Reporting for check-in

  • Please report early enough for check-in; at least two hours before the departure of the flight. In this way, all documents submitted will be checked.
  • During peak periods (end-of-year holidays, school holidays etc.), we recommend that you report early enough at the airport which is likely to be crowded.
  • Royal Air Maroc will take responsibility for unaccompanied minors only 30 minutes before check-in closes. You are also requested to remain at the airport until your child's flight takes off. After takeoff, stay reachable. In this way, Royal Air Maroc will contact you in case of any irregularities as the flight progresses.
  • Note: The UM service will not be guaranteed if you wait until the day of the flight to request for the service


  • Once your child has checked in, a Royal Air Maroc agent will take care of him; assist him from the customs formalities to boarding, where he will be entrusted to our staff on board who will take charge.
  • To ensure maximum comfort for unaccompanied minors (UM) during their wait before their flight, an area has been specially designed for them at the Casablanca airport. Located in the bonded departure area, our UM lounge is designed to allow children rest and play before the flight (television screens, games consoles). This area has all the necessary amenities to ensure that each child feels comfortable: comfortable chairs, television screens, games (Play Station 3) books ... Photos.
  • We will ensure that your child enjoys his flight
  • Your child will also be boarded first. This will allow us to sit your child comfortably and put his hand luggage in the racks dedicated for this purpose.
  • If your child has a connection at Casablanca airport, he will remain under the supervision of our Royal Air Maroc staff. In the case where the connection requires accommodation (duration more than 8 hours), Royal Air Maroc will not accept UMs.
  • Be rest assured that Royal Air Maroc will pay special attention to your child throughout his trip.

On board

  • Once seated on board by one of our hostesses, your child will be constantly attended to throughout the flight. Our crew will ensure that your child will have everything he needs during the flight. He will also be well attended to during meals and when moving in the cabin.
  • If the request was made when booking, your child will be served a kid’s meal, adapted to his tastes and needs.
  • We will endeavour to offer your child an activity pack " Univers Magique " with many toys and games appropriate for his age (less than 2 years, between 3 and 6 years, between 7 to 12 years) to allow him play and have fun.
  • Depending on the duration of the flight, he can watch many movies, cartoons and short films.
  • Once the plane lands, we will ask your child to please remain seated until he is attended to by our staff.

Upon arrival

  • Throughout the Arrival stage, your child will be assisted by our ground staff. They will assist your child with the formalities and procedures on arrival and will retrieve his luggage, which will be delivered first.
  • Your child will be handed over only to the person mentioned on the document filled at the departure station. The details of the person to pick up the child must be duly mentioned on the UM route sheet.


We informeren u dat voor vluchten die vertrekken vanuit Genève, alleenreizende kinderen door een volwassene moeten worden begeleid tot aan de boarding gate. Om een pas te verkrijgen voor de begeleidende persoon, moet deze een schriftelijke machtiging voorleggen ondertekend door de personen met ouderlijke bevoegdheid als hij/zij deze bevoegdheid niet heeft, met een fotokopie van de identiteitsdocumenten om toestemming te geven aan een persoon die niet dezelfde achternaam heeft om het kind te vergezellen.